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As a biologist with 30 years experience in environmental protection I have always been intrigued by the concept of the superorganism.  I have been supported in beekeeping by some local beekeepers who specialise in low intervention beekeeping where the bees are  prevented from swarming and maintained without the use of chemical treatments that can accumulate within the wax comb.  I have an apiary located in an area as part of an environmental stewardship scheme thanks to the Yattendon Estate.  

I use an approach called checkerboarding which prevents swarming and increases honey yields without the need for continued disturbance of the bees throughout the season.


The approach used is described in the videos linked to this website and follows the swarm management method developed by Walt Wright in the US. This approach has been adjusted for implementation in UK by John White, Gillian Bannister and Anita Hunt in their book about Swarm Management.


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